Any large employer can be faced with Wage & Hour disputes. A failure to pay minimum wages or overtime correctly can become a costly error, as can a failure to correctly classify employees. Almost all aspects of employee compensation have become the target of collective and individual actions in both state and federal courts. Our flexible coverage options help clients manage this increasingly common risk.
”Wage & Hour Liability
OMNIRISKCoverage for North America

Indefinite Continued Progress of Existance
- Comprehensive coverage for Wage & Hour law violations
- Stand-alone policy devoted solely to Wage and Hour; not an add-on
- Tailored to risks of large employers
- Covers earned wages
- Covers liquidated damages, statutory damages, attorneys’ fees and punitive damages
- Covers both private litigation and governmental civil actions
- Threshold and bordereau reporting
- Insureds select their own counsel
Benefits and Services
Wage & Hour insurance provides coverage for wage and hour defense and indemnity liability.
Client Profiles
Fortune 500 and other large employers