An ever-changing and increasingly regulated business environment presents a plethora of risks and threats for companies who continually face the potential for litigation, financial loss, discrimination claims, or cyberattacks in the normal course of doing business.
”Management Liability Product
OMNIRISKCoverage for North America

Modular form, offering seven separate coverages, each with its own limit and extensions:
Directors and Officers Liability (D&O is mandatory)
- Defends and protects your company’s management from litigation and investigations.
Corporate Legal Liability
- Protects your company against claims and prosecutions for a wide range of wrongful acts.
Practices Liability
- Protects your company, management and employees against claims and prosecutions for wrongful treatment of employees.
Pension Trustee Liability
- Protects trustees, administrators, sponsoring employers and corporate trustees of pension schemes and benefit plans. Also protects the scheme itself.
Crime Insurance Liability
- Protects company profits against acts of fraud from employees or unknown third parties.
Cyber Liability
- Protects the company against claims from data privacy and network breaches, including first party costs.
Kidnap & Ransom
- Pays the ransom and related expenses incurred in connection with kidnappings and extortions.
Other Coverage Features:
- Severability: conduct of one insured person cannot be imputed to another insured person and only knowledge of certain key individuals will be imputed to the company.
- Broad automatic cover for new subsidiaries and plans.
- Change in control: coverage applies until the expiration of the policy period, or cancellation of the policy for prior acts. Pre-agreed run-off available on terms to be agreed.
Benefits and Services
- Any One Claim cover for D&O, CLL, PTL, Crime, and K&R
- Policy available to both public listed and privately held entities
- Separate limits per Module
Client Profiles
Directors and Officers Liability / Corporate Legal Liability / Employment Practices Liability / Kidnap & Ransom
- All industry sectors will be considered, including both privately held and publicly traded companies.
Cyber Liability
- We have a broad industry appetite which includes Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality and Financial Institutions.