Our suite of comprehensive financial institution bond insurance policies offers financial institutions balance sheet protection against employee dishonesty, burglary, robbery, forgery and similar crimes.
”Financial Institution Bond
OMNIRISKCoverage for North America

Fidelity throughout organisation
- Fidelity providing coverage for loss from dishonest or fraudulent acts committed by an employee acting alone or in collusion with others.
- On-Premises losses from robbery, burglary, misplacement or mysterious disappearance.
- In-Transit losses from robbery, burglary, misplacement or mysterious disappearance while in transit in the custody of a messenger or transportation company.
- Counterfeit Currency for losses resulting from the receipt of any counterfeit monies.
- Forgery or Alteration covering losses from forgery of a financial instrument specified in the policy, such as losses of money, securities or other tangible properties.
- Securities to cover losses resulting directly from a financial institution having accepted these in good faith, and given value, extended credit or assumed liability in return.
Benefits and Services
Our market-leading claims management team has unrivaled expertise and knowledge. Our award-winning claim system, OMNIRISK enables us to manage claims efficiently and accurately, no matter where they occur in the world.
Client Profiles
- Stock brokers, investment bankers or asset managers
- Mortgage banks and finance companies
- Commercial bankers and savings banks
- Insurance companies