Large architectural and engineering firms face special risks. DPRCG is an exclusive risk management group created for high-quality, large firms. Some of the most recognized names in the design industry are DPRCG members.
”E&O Insurance for Architects, Engineers and Design Consultants
OMNIRISKCoverage for North America

Find a Policy that Provides Protection & Unity
Loss Prevention & Education
- Demonstrate a commitment to risk management
- Purchase a policy from OMNIRISK’s Design Professional group*
- Have annual fees of $7.5M or greater
- Receive an invitation from an OMNIRISK underwriter to join DPRCG
- Pay a nominal annual membership fee
*Purchase appropriate limits with a $75,000 minimum deductible
Exclusive Members Benefits and Services
- Peers as Directors and committee members driving the direction of DPRCG and its benefits
- Membership Roster that supports more teaming and business referrals
- DPRCG’s Convocation – an annual industry-leading conference and networking opportunity
- Risk Management Peer Review, a voluntary process, helps firms improve their practice and reduce disputes/claims
- Access to online presentations, videos, training tools, case studies, peer articles, and discussion boards.